How to Take Care of a Diabetes Patient | Home, Workplace, and Party

care of diabetic patient

Last Updated on September 3, 2021 by Sultana Parvin

How much is the responsibility of the families and communities to manage diabetes? The medical advice about the management of diabetes is the responsibility of physicians and obeying the rules by the diabetes patient we all are aware of that. In this article, we will try to describe how to take care of a diabetes patient at home, workplace, party, and everywhere.

Food for Diabetic Patient

Nowadays, there is hardly any family where a member is not a diabetes patient. As a common scenario, the older members/members of the family are living with diabetes. To care for diabetes patients, we set various restrictions on food for them inside the family. We see then in the same dining table the food items are different for the major number of members and for diabetes patient member/members. In the opposite way, we see sometimes they are having the same food with a minimum quantity. We hardly think about the food satisfaction of these members. Even we are advising them almost all the time about the prohibition of food intake.

Foods for Diabetes Member in Family

We often give suggest the diabetes member of the family eat smaller portions, choose whole-grain bread, eat a wider variety of food with low calories but the other members are having delicious food with high calories in families. Have we ever thought about how stressful conditions it creates for diabetes patients to restrain themselves during those times? The diabetes members are always feeling inferiority complex to think they are not allowed to have their desired food. For example, we are keeping sweets, soft drinks, meats, etc. in the refrigerator but almost no item for the diabetes member. Whereas we all know that they need to eat after every two hours. If there is not prepared food for them, they are compelled to eat the foods which they are not supposed to eat.

Care of Diabetic Patient at Home 

Regardless of the role of the gender, the cooking member of any family is playing actually double responsibility every to prepare foods for diabetes members and non-diabetes members. Diabetes-friendly health same food intake by all members may keep safe other members as well. It can keep all members healthy for mental health by not suggesting the older members or members having diabetes for reminding about food restrictions on every dinner or mealtime. 

Keeping Home Exercise Place:  

We often give suggest the diabetes member of the family make a plan for his/her healthcare, we suggest them to keep moving, having physical exercise or activities but hardly keep a personal place where the person can do some exercise. The middle-income and low-income families in the developing countries have almost no personal place for senior citizens rather they are living with the kids or in a shared room. These members feel no free to do even free-hand exercises in front of other members. In such a cultural context, the suggestion for keeping physical fitness is actually not realistic.  

Food Habit For a Diabetic Patient at the Workplace

In many offices, there is an arrangement for lunch and dinner by the official authority. If we ask the question: Are these menus diabetes-friendly? It will be a daunting subject for most of the staff. Sometimes we see the members are bearing food from their home and having it with inferiority complex among all other members. It’s not a healthy environment to enjoy the food.

Foods during Festivals:

The invitation to various celebrations like marriage ceremonies, birthday parties, or professional celebrations has become a tradition globally. But these occasion organizers hardly keep any arrangement of food items for invitees with diabetes. Rather they insist on ignoring healthy foods by provocative comments: “What damage will happen by just one meal high calories food”?

Responsibilities of Families and Friends to Take Care of a Diabetes Patient:

  • When we are purchasing food we need to keep in mind about the need of diabetes patient member of the family. For example, we must purchase fruits, sugar-free products and healthy groceries during our food purchase. It will reduce the extra stress of all members of the family when they sit together to enjoy meals.   
  • Making healthy food plan with enough cereals, vegetables, fruits and low level sugar food items for all members of the family can keep all members diabetes free. The processed and preserved foods in family should have options so that diabetes members may enjoy the food without any discriminatory behavior.
  • Having healthy food menu at work place is caring solution for all the colleagues as well as the organization for long-time productivity.
  • The festivals should be celebrated in healthy ways, we must not ignore the food requirements of diabetes invitees if really want to have their presence in the celebration.

We love our family and this guideline will help us to Take Care of a Diabetes Patient in our family.

By Jannatul Ferdous Ivy